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Part of the magic of television is that the characters are forever young. No matter how many times you watch ’em, or how long it’s been since the episodes originally ran, the characters on your favorite shows are eternally locked in time. But what if they aged the same as the rest of us? How old would these characters be in real world terms?

With that question in mind, I assembled a list of all-time favorite TV characters and, using a combination of the years the shows ran and their stated ages in the show to work out how old each of them would be today.

So, in the year 2024…

  • Chandler and Monica’s twins would be 20, Phoebe’s triplets would be 25, Ben would be 29, and Emma would be 22.
  • Calvin would be 45 (as, presumably, would Hobbes).
  • Beavis & Butthead would be 46.
  • All the characters on Hey Dude would be in their late 40s to early 50s.
  • Mabel Buchman would be 27.
  • Uncle Jesse’s twins would be 33, and Michelle Tanner would be 37.
  • All the babies from Rugrats would be 34 except for Angelica, who would be 38.
  • Kelly and Bud Bundy would be 52 and 51, respectively.
  • The gang from 90210 would be 49.
  • Willis and Arnold would be 59 and 53.
  • Lucy and Ricky would be over 100, and Fred and Ethel would both be well past it.
  • All four real Stooges (Moe, Larry, Curly, Shemp) would be nearly 115.